Casi’s Boudoir Experience Testimonial

After Casi’s boudoir photo shoot, I received the most beautiful, testimonial from her that solidifies why I love what I do:

“I just wanted to make sure I really thanked you. You not only took amazing photos, but you made me feel so comfortable and so beautiful! For someone who struggles heavily with their body image and self-esteem, it was a life changing experience and definitely made an impact on how I see myself. I can tell you love what you do, and I just want you to know your photos are making a difference. So truly, thank you! It was amazing to meet you!”

  1. How did the morning of your shoot start? What were your thoughts and feelings leading up to your shoot?

    “The morning of the shoot was a mix of emotions. I was nervous but so excited!! I got on comfy clothes and was preparing to get pampered.”

  2. How did you feel working with our Team?

    “I loved working with you and your makeup artist, Cassie. You both made me feel very comfortable and helped some of my nerves.”

  3. How was your experience finding the right outfits for your shoot?

    “It was good! It was nice to get creative with what I brought.”

  4. What was your experience like while having your hair & makeup done with Cassie? Did you like what you saw in the mirror after you were done?

    “I loved my makeup and hair experience! It was exactly what I was looking for!”

  5. How did you feel during your shoot? Were you comfortable with the posing and direction?

    "I got more comfortable throughout the day. The posing instructions were great!”

  6. How did you feel about the shoot when you left?

    “I felt super confident leaving the shoot. I was really happy that I decided to do it!”

  7. How did seeing your photos on the screen for the first time at your photo reveal make you feel? Did you love your album/prints?

    “It was so awesome to see the final product. I was so happy with them and loved getting to see what was on the other side of the camera!”


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Leann’s Boudoir Experience and Testimonial


Why I Shoot Boudoir Photography - My “Why” for Shooting Boudoir