Why I Shoot Boudoir Photography - My “Why” for Shooting Boudoir

Why Boudoir Photography?

Boudoir photography is so much more than pretty pictures; it is about self-acceptance, body positivity and learning to love who you are at this moment. It is how you feel about yourself and not how anyone else feels about you. It’s not about the media defining how you should look or how you should feel about yourself; it is about the moment when you suddenly feel free and comfortable with who you are.  It's about getting in touch with your feelings; whether that means you feel sexy, vulnerable, or confident all at the same time. Through the boudoir experience you can look at yourself in a new way and see your beauty through the camera’s lens.  The transformation that takes place from the time you walk into my studio and the time you walk out the door is something I believe every person should experience.

I started shooting boudoir photography because I saw the beauty in everyone who came through my door. I wanted to give women a chance to be seen and to get to know them and show them their beauty and strength through my camera’s lensWhen a woman is most vulnerable, she possesses her true beauty. Boudoir photography is not just about looking sexy in lingerie.  Feeling sexy means different things to different people. One woman’s idea of sexy may be wearing a lace bodysuit, another a beautiful gown with her favorite designer shoes and yet another may feel beautiful in a simple sweater falling loosely off her bare shoulder.  My goal is to capture your essence so you can see your beauty the way others see you.  One thing is certain; you WILL walk away with your head a little higher and with a little more confidence than when you walked in.

The Transformation

 I love the transformation that takes place after a woman arrives at my studio. Most of the time she arrives excited and visibly nervous, but once she sits in the chair to get her hair and makeup done, the transformation begins. Suddenly, she’s listening to her favorite music, laughing, and sharing stories and slowly she starts to shed the signs and feelings of nervousness and anxiety.  

The first part of the shoot begins to get her warmed up and when I show her the back of the camera, I usually hear, “OH MY GOD, that’s me? NO WAY that’s me!” As we go into the next outfit and then the next, the laughter and smiles come out. Then she starts to feel sexy, and the sexy eyes come out and she’s a little freer with her movements and you can tell it’s starting to click and she’s having fun.

The Photo Reveal

By the time we get to the photo reveal, we’re friends because we’ve just shared an experience that she will always remember. We’ve laughed and shared stories about our lives and then once I show her the pictures, her jaw drops, and sometimes she’ll cry because she can’t believe how beautiful she looks; she sees herself in a new light. One of the amazing things about boudoir photography is that I get a chance to show a woman just how beautiful she is and when she walks out the door, she is smiling so big, and cannot wait to tell all her friends about what she just did.

A client sent me this text message after she got home from her photo reveal and it solidifies EXACTLY WHY I do what I do:

“I just wanted to make sure I really thanked you. You not only took amazing photos, but you made me feel so comfortable and so beautiful! For someone who struggles heavily with their body image and self-esteem, it was a life changing experience and definitely made an impact on how I see myself. I can tell you love what you do, and I just want you to know your photos are making a difference. So truly, thank you! It was amazing to meet you!”

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Casi’s Boudoir Experience Testimonial


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